In the rural Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, 50km north east of New Delhi, a woman gave birth to a baby girl with two faces and four eyes.

The 4 day old is being hailed by villagers as the reincarnation of Ganesha – a Hindu God, who is depicted as having an elephant’s head and is patron of arts and sciences, and the deva of intellect and wisdom

Her birth was welcomed with friendly cheers, claps and offerings. Her parents, who have yet to name her have said that she is a “miracle” and “a gift from god.”Doctors do not know whether she will be able to eat normally yet. At the moment she is being hand-fed.

If the baby girl had been born over here, she’d be considered a freak. However what I think is incredible is that her difference has been celebrated and she will grow up feeling special rather than a freak of nature.
Sources : Dailymail.co.uk