When one thinks of sand art, sand castles are what often comes to mind, but Tibetan Buddhist monks have long designed magnificent mandalas out of colored sand, for which Iranian artists have put a new spin to — famous for their traditional Persian rugs, a group of artists have taken it to a whole new level by creating the world’s largest sand carpet.

The unique 39,400 square foot (12,000 sq. meter) world record carpet was created by 25 visual artists made entirely of 70 types of colorful sand found on the country’s southern island seashores of Hormuz, widely known for its red soil, to create the ‘Persian Gulf’ sand carpet.

The previous sand carpet record was 2,955 square feet (900 sq. meters) fashioned on the Canary Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, famous for its natural colored volcanic sand carpets in La Orotava, Tenerife, made every year for Corpus Christi by artists drizzling loose sand.

The largest sand painting record measured 9,250.7 square feet (859.42 sq. meters), created in the Town Hall square of La Oratava, Tenerife, Spain for the Patron Saint day festivities on June 13 2007.

Made of sand from Las CaƱadas del Teide in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento in La Orotava for Corpus Christi, the artwork received its certification from Guinness World Records, listed as the Largest Sand Painting on the planet.